Fun Facts About Me

I prefer brownies to cookies and tacos to burritos.

I’ll eat a ton of mozzarella but won’t touch a beetroot.

I love standing on the Blue Bridge in St. James’s Park, London, and walking the High Line on the west side of NYC.

My favorite beach is Todd’s Point in Greenwich, and my favorite mountain is in Zacapa, Guatemala.

You won’t see me in a microbiology lab, eating mussels, or walking a tightrope. But I don’t mind training a dog, climbing a scaffold, or snorkeling.

You’ll find me staring out into the yard, coffee in hand, thinking about characters.

My best writing ideas come when I walk our dogs, Pepper and Archie. Once I get home, I stand in the kitchen typing furiously with my coat and boots still on!

I live in Greenwich, Connecticut, with my husband, three children, two dogs, and two fish.

Why Write?

My teenage years were full of girl drama, boyfriends, teachers who liked me and those who didn’t, being bullied, arguing with my parents, and moving around the country. I can divide those years in two–the first half when I did the wrong things with the wrong people and the second when I was happy, relaxed, and enjoyed living. What changed? Was it because I moved to a different city? Yes, that was a factor. Was it the new friends I made? Yes, they were great. But it was something more.

When I look back, I see how I began imagining a way through my problems. Instead of being overwhelmed, I wondered how to get the better of them. Could they be overcome? That began my journey of understanding what it means to overcome and how to do it. I write to share with teenagers what I’ve learned. My hope is their lives can be different and their teen years a time of discovering who they are created to be.

My book, Finding the Door, is about fifteen-year-old Frank’s struggles and whether he can break free. And “Teen of the Month” is an opportunity for teens to share what they think it means to overcome and how they’ve done it in their lives.

I’ve had plenty to overcome in my life, and no doubt there will be more ahead. I’m glad God is with me, leading the way. He’s been there since the start, teaching me step by step each day. He’s the ultimate overcomer.