If someone said the word overcome to you, what would you think of?
I think of overcoming as pushing through and prevailing over an adversity or anything that is trying in someone’s life. I also think of it as anyone who doesn’t let their adversities consume or completely define them.

What is the opposite of overcoming to you?
I view the opposite of overcoming as giving up or not fighting in the face of hard times. Letting difficulty or negativity stand in the way of living your life.

What famous person do you think overcame well?
Mary Frey is someone who I admire because she overcomes obstacles on a daily basis. She is a chronic illness advocate who has Cystic Fibrosis and I constantly look up to her perseverance and positivity. While her health can be challenging, she gets up every day and looks for the positives.

Who is someone you know who has overcome?
My mom has overcome a lot of obstacles in her life and I always admire her strength and positivity. Because of my health issues over the past few years, my mom has had to overcome these obstacles as well. I have seen her sacrifice so much for me and I am forever grateful. Whenever I am in the hospital or going to appointments three hours away, she has to cancel her plans to be there with me. Despite this, she always finds the bright side and her positivity keeps me upbeat during difficult times. I always look to her strength whenever things are difficult.

What is something you’ve had to overcome?
I have struggled with a lot of health issues in the last few years. Right now my digestive tract has stopped working properly and I have had to spend more than a total of three weeks in the hospital. I get all of my nutrition through a feeding tube and a PICC line. It’s been very difficult and painful, but every day I wake up and try to resume my life. I have found that my faith has helped me throughout this journey. It’s been a process, but I have learned the hard way that it takes so much more energy and is so much less fulfilling to blame God for what is going on in my life. I have also found a lot of comfort in going to church. I just try every day to set little goals for myself and stay motivated. My mom, sister, teachers, and friends have been so supportive and uplifting during this time as well.

My friend and I on the first day of school
My mom and I in Massachusetts
My two sisters and I at Christmas 
My friend and I in Maine
Teaching sailing in the summer