This month’s teen is Kathryn.

If someone said the word overcome to you, what would you think of?
I think overcoming is having the strength to know when you need help and the ability to ask for it. I don’t think anyone can truly overcome something on their own, but that they need to lean on someone for help through it.

What is the opposite of overcoming to you?
To me the opposite of overcoming is giving up on yourself before you give yourself the chance to succeed. If you have a fixed mindset on what you are capable of then you will never be able to exceed it, having an open mind and resilience I believe are key to be able to overcome anything thrown your way.

What famous person do you think overcame well?
Mr. Rogers was someone who always chose kindness above all else in his life. He was so selfless and I truly believe he had only good in his heart. He had the ability to overcome his own human selfishness to always look for what he could do for others. He is someone I hope I can one day be half as selfless as.

Who is someone you know who has overcome?
My younger brother has suffered from bullying his whole life. He has been put down for things that are out of his control, yet he only holds compassion in his heart. Despite others cruelty there is no ill will in him. He has overcome so many obstacles and does it with grace and kindness.

What is something you’ve had to overcome?
This year my older brother left for college and it was (still is) tough for me without him. I was so accustomed to the dynamic of having him at home and the comfort he brought. When he left it took me a long time to adjust, I missed him a lot and still do when he’s gone, but I’ve learned to call him when I miss him and cherish the time when he is home even more.

My family and I in Alaska fly fishing
Me in New Zealand when I did an exchange program
My friends and I at Tod’s Point before school started
My friend and I in Minnesota snowmobiling