This month’s teen is Sophia.

If someone said the word overcome to you, what would you think of?
The definition of overcome is: to succeed in dealing with a problem or difficulty. Although this is true, it only encompasses part of the picture. When one is overcoming a great challenge they are usually taking a step of faith that God will help them out. Each person also has someone that cares for them on this earth, and the support of that person/people could make a world of positive impact. Another thing that the definition says is that overcoming is dealing with a problem, whereas when you have faith in God, he is usually backstage and has a plan for your benefit through this struggle. 

What is the opposite of overcoming to you?
The opposite to overcoming is indifference. There are two types of people when undergoing a challenge; the determined ones, and the unmotivated ones. When you are determined to overcome a barrier you are working with God. When you are unmotivated, you might as well be defeated. Although God is in control, he still needs you to be on board. When one is indifferent and feels defeated, they need to pray.

What famous person do you think overcame well?
A famous person I think overcame well is Bill Gates. He worked hard to make a company and it failed. Instead of being defeated, he worked extra hard and co-founded Microsoft.

Who is someone you know who has overcome?
Someone who I know that has overcome is my dad. When he was twelve he moved from Atlanta to Kuwait for his father’s job. He spent a few years there and when he moved back to America, his old friends didn’t want to be friends anymore and it was really tough for him. He was also an only child, making him extremely lonely. He overcame that hard time and now he has a family that loves him endlessly, and he is never lonely.

What is something you’ve had to overcome?
Something that I have overcome is my abilities in math. In fourth and fifth grade I had a really hard time in math and never got the grades I wanted. In sixth grade all of a sudden math began to click. From then up until this year I have had good grades and a deep understanding of mathematics. I am proud of my growth and this shows me that if I put enough work into it, I will overcome the challenges before me.

My friend and I on the DC trip.
My brother and I at our first regatta together!
My friends and I at Tod’s Point. 
My friends and I at a bat mitzva.