This month’s teen is Katie.

If someone said the word overcome to you, what would you think of?
I would think it is someone facing a challenge or not letting fear stop them from doing something. Someone not letting fear stand in their way.

What is the opposite of overcoming to you?
I think the opposite of overcoming is letting fear drive who you are. It can also affect the decisions you make and steer you in the wrong direction. 

What famous person do you think overcame well?
I think Joan of Arc had to overcome because at first Joan was born into a poor family and spent the beginning of her life on a farm helping them. But as she grew, she started getting signs from God to be a savior of France and though she was born poor and a woman at that time she still did it. Joan fought in the war and though she could get hurt or killed she did it. 

Who is someone you know who has overcome?
Someone I know who has overcome is my Aunt Taya. Growing up biracial was hard for her. She said people would ask what she was and she knew what they were actually asking. When people would ask her that she would say I’m a little girl. And as they kept asking Aunt Taya would come up with different answers until they would ask what they actually meant. One of her friends growing up said her parents couldn’t believe black and white people could fall in love. And all these things that have happened, she’s overcome. She didn’t let any of it get in her way. And now she is a writer for a news team.

What is something you’ve had to overcome?
Something I’ve had to overcome is being in below grade English. I used to have the fear of getting the answers wrong and thinking I shouldn’t even try. But then I worked hard to overcome my fear of failing the class. And along the way as I worked hard I found my love for writing and now I’m in grade level English. And I enjoy writing poetry.

Playing in the volleyball team.
The volleyball team in 7th grade.
Hank and Fritz when Hank was a puppy. 
Where my brother, Dad and I went ice fishing early in the morning.
The forest where I go hiking.