This month’s teen is Joy.

If someone said the word overcome to you, what would you think of?
I would think of staying strong during a hardship and never giving up, even though the odds may be against you.

What is the opposite of overcoming to you?
For me the opposite of overcoming is giving up and having a negative mindset. Also, putting yourself down and thinking that you can’t overcome the situation.

What famous person do you think overcame well?
I think Nelson Mandela overcame well. This is because he helped many South Africans overcome racial segregation. Nelson also continued to fight for people’s rights even though many people didn’t support him. In the end he became president and overcame his circumstances!

Who is someone you know who has overcome?
I think my dad has overcome. This is because even though his knee hurts a lot, he continues to travel to India and Africa to help children and people and tell them about God. My dad has overcome the pain and continues to help people. 

What is something you’ve had to overcome?
I was always really scared of singing in front of people and cried. But now I am not and have overcome that fear because I know that God is with me and that I can do anything I set my mind to. Also, practicing has enabled me to overcome stage fright because I got used to it. My parents and friends encouraged me and this helped my confidence. Finally, I realized that making mistakes is ok and that if I make one, it’s “not the end of the world”. 

This is my brother, Andrew, and I going to see a Lauren Daigle Concert this summer in New York. We love her music and her as an artist. Lauren has inspired me to not be afraid to sing in front of people. This is because she encourages people to be themselves on stage and not care what people may think. 
This is me in Italy. I love Italy and consider it my second home. I love this photo because behind me, you can see the beautiful water. This memory is so real in my mind because I can still remember the sun shining so bright. This photo makes me appreciate the world around us and how God created such a wonderful place. 
This is a photo of my parents when we went on a boat to New York. I am so blessed to have such amazing, loving people in my life. They teach me to be a better person every day and to help people when they need it. They also encourage me to have a strong relationship with God and to keep him #1 always.