Meet Katie

Meet Katie

This month’s teen is Katie. If someone said the word overcome to you, what would you think of?I would think it is someone facing a challenge or not letting fear stop them from doing something. Someone not letting fear stand in their way. What is the opposite of overcoming to you?I think the opposite of overcoming is letting fear drive who you are. It can also affect the decisions you make and steer you in the wrong direction.  What famous person do you think overcame well?I think Joan of Arc had to overcome because at first Joan was born into a

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Meet Joy

Meet Joy

This month’s teen is Joy. If someone said the word overcome to you, what would you think of?I would think of staying strong during a hardship and never giving up, even though the odds may be against you. What is the opposite of overcoming to you?For me the opposite of overcoming is giving up and having a negative mindset. Also, putting yourself down and thinking that you can’t overcome the situation. What famous person do you think overcame well?I think Nelson Mandela overcame well. This is because he helped many South Africans overcome racial segregation. Nelson also continued to fight

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Meet Logan

Meet Logan

This month’s teen is Logan. If someone said the word overcome to you, what would you think of?When I hear the word “overcome”, I think of God and I think of how He can get you past difficult times. He even helped Jesus overcome hatred and sent him to die on the cross for us. What is the opposite of overcoming to you?I think that the opposite of “overcome“ is to give up. Overcoming means powering through a tough time. What famous person do you think overcame well?I think Martin Luther King Jr. did this well. This is because he

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Meet Esme

Meet Esme

This month’s teen is Esme. If someone said the word overcome to you, what would you think of?To overcome means to conquer a problem or something you are struggling with. To tackle the problem and succeed in doing so.  What is the opposite of overcoming to you?The opposite of overcoming means to let a problem own you and tie you down. To let what you are struggling with linger inside of you and keep chipping off your confidence, etc.  What famous person do you think overcame well?I think that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez overcame well when she ran for the U.S. Representative

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Meet Rebecca

Meet Rebecca

This month’s teen is Rebecca. If someone said the word overcome to you, what would you think of?If someone said the word overcome to me, I would think of someone who is able to fight any obstacles in their life. What is the opposite of overcoming to you?The opposite of overcoming is succumbing to the challenges in your life and allowing them to determine how you live it.  What famous person do you think overcame well?A famous person that I think overcame well is Bethany Hamilton. When the professional surfer got her left arm bitten off in a shark attack,

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Meet Peyton

Meet Peyton

This month’s teen is Peyton. If someone said the word overcome to you, what would you think of?I imagine overcoming as a river running over rocks and branches in its path. It means staying brave through tough times. What is the opposite of overcoming to you?The opposite of overcoming is letting the obstacles in your path stop you from reaching your goals.  What famous person do you think overcame well?I think Louis Zamperini had an amazing journey of overcoming. Not only did he compete in the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, but his plane crashed during WWII and he was put

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Meet Anna

This month’s teen is Anna. She’s 14. If someone said the word overcome to you, what would you think of?I think that overcoming is when you are able to persevere through a challenging circumstance and thrive in spite of it.  What is the opposite of overcoming to you?The opposite of overcoming is when you let something defeat you and get in your way. What famous person do you think overcame well?A famous person that has overcome is Malala Yousafzai. She won a Nobel Peace Prize and is advocating for female education even though she was shot on her way home

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Meet Grayson

Meet Grayson

This month’s teen is Grayson. She’s 16. If someone said the word overcome to you, what would you think of?If someone said the word overcome to me, I would think of someone who doesn’t let their illness define them.  What is the opposite of overcoming to you?The opposite of overcoming is letting your struggles take over your life and dictate your success.  What famous person do you think overcame well?A famous person who I think overcame well is Selena Gomez. Selena, despite having lupus, still persists and keeps doing what she loves. Furthermore, she uses her own struggles to promote

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Meet Jackson

Meet Jackson

This month’s teen is Jackson. He’s 15. If someone said the word overcome to you, what would you think of?If someone said the word overcome to me, I would think of defeating evil in order to pursue your dreams. Overcoming is not a skill that you are born with, it has to be learned in order to be obtained. What is the opposite of overcoming to you?The opposite of overcoming is losing faith in the ability to achieve your goals. Not overcoming is to be overcome by all of the things opposing you. You cannot possibly win and be overcome

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Meet Caroline

Meet Caroline

This month’s teen is Caroline. She’s 15. If someone said the word overcome to you, what would you think of?Overcome means to destroy and conquer any obstacle that is in your way. What is the opposite of overcoming to you?The opposite of overcoming is to dwell in the negative and trying not to change it. What famous person do you think overcame well?Franklin Roosevelt developed polio, which eventually left him paralyzed from the waist down for the rest of his life. Even though he couldn’t walk, he went on to lead the country as one of the most respected and

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